IFSC and MICR Code for Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited , Bengaluru, Karnataka

Get IFSC and MICR code of Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited, Bengaluru, Karnataka along with the address and contact numbers

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IFSC Details



(used for RtGS and NEFT transactions)



Phone number 22238600

IFSC Code:KAIJ0000043 and MICR code: 560386002 for Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited located at NO 135, GROUND FLOOR, KENAGAL HANUMANTHAIAH ROAD, SHANTINAGAR, BENGALURU - 560027 , Contact number 22238600 .Timings: Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM(Except 2nd and 4th Saturday).

How to Search for Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited & MICR Codes?

  • You can find the IFSC and MICR codes for any Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited branch printed on the cheque books issued by the bank. Each cheque book has the IFSC code of the branch from where it has been issued.
  • You can find the IFSC or MICR CODE for any branch of Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited via IndiaLends which provides information in a very easy format. All you have to do provide the information such as the bank name, the state and district and the particular branch that you’re looking for. Once you’ve provided that information, the page will immediately display the IFSC and MICR code for the bank that you’ve chosen, along with other relevant information like the address and contact details of the bank.

How do transfer funds using Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited Limited RTGS & NEFT

Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited customers can transfer fund using National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) as well as IMPS platforms. You can use either of these facilities to send money across different banks, different accounts, different states and different cities.

Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS):

RTGS funds transfer can be used to send amounts of Rs. 1 lakh and above. You can go RTGS transfer through net banking or by walking into any of the branches. You must fill up a Fund Transfer Instruction form which is available at the Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited. You need to provide the following information.

  • Name of the recipient
  • Account number and type of account of the recipient
  • Bank Name, branch, IFSC code of the recipient
  • Transfer amount
  • Remark to the receiver

RTGS is available for customers to use on weekdays and Saturdays. It will not be available on Sundays and National holidays.

Fees & Charges for RTGS Transaction by Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited :

Amount Charge(per transaction, excluding taxes)
INR 2 lakh(Minimum Amount)
Sum between INR 2 lakh to INR 5 lakh INR 25
+ Applied Taxes
Sum betwwen INR 5 lakh to INR 10 lakh INR 50
+ Applied Taxes

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)

NEFT can be used to transfer smaller amounts of money that do not exceed Rs. 99,999. To use this platform, customers can follow the same procedure as stated for RTGS. Fill up the Fund Transfer Instruction form available at the bank. You will need to furnish the information given below.

  • Name of the recipient
  • Account number and type of account of the recipient
  • Bank name, branch, IFSC code of the recipient
  • Transfer amount
  • Remark to the receiver

Fees & Charges for NEFT Transaction by Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited :

Transaction Charges NEFT
Cash up to INR 10,000 INR 2,50 + Applied Taxes
Sum between INR 10,000 and INR 1 lakh INR 5 + Applied Taxes
Sum between INR 1 lakh and INR 2 lakh INR 15 + Applied Taxes
Sum between INR 2 lakh and INR 5 lakh INR 25 + Applied Taxes
Sum between INR 5 lakh and INR 10 lakh INR 25 + Applied Taxes

NEFT Transaction timings specified by Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited:

Transaction Timings NEFT
All days except Sundays, 2nd and 4th Saturdays 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM

About Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Limited

A leading bank of South Western Maharashtra. Promptly serving you through a network of 45 fully computerized branches spread across Maharashtra and Karnataka state. The area of Operation of bank is whole revenue area of Maharashtra State & Dharwad, Hubli, & Gadag District of Karnataka state. This bank has been co-opted by Small Industrial Development Bank of India for implementation of Technology upgradation Funds Scheme.

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