The prime objective of purchasing life insurance is to provide financial protection to your loved ones. However, if your policy's claim is rejected by the insurer, then you cannot avail of the primary benefits for which you have taken the policy. Therefore, it is critical to prevent your life insurance claim from getting rejected. Here we have highlighted some tips to ensure that your policy claim does not face rejection-
Fill the proposal form yourself
The whole process of filling the form may seem very time-consuming and cumbersome, but make sure that you do not leave this job to any insurance agent. The chances of claim rejection become high in such cases. So, to avoid claim rejection, it is important to fill up your proposal form yourself.
Disclose all the health-related details
If you have not correctly disclosed the current health status to your life insurer, you could stand to lose your claim when the time comes. At the time of applying for the policy, make sure you do not hold back or hide any of the health-related details from your insurer, including any pre-existing diseases.
Disclose your family’s medical history
In addition to disclosing your health, it is equally important to disclose your family’s medical history to the insurer to assess the risk associated. This is necessary in the case of a critical or serious illness, which could also affect you in the future. Non-disclosure of such kind of information could lead to the insurer denying not just your claim, but even your application.
Never let your policy lapse
When it comes to insurance claim settlement, insurance companies will not settle those claims which have been raised on lapsed policies. So, to prevent your policy from lapsing, ensure that you make the premium payments on time. In case you miss paying a certain premium payment, make sure that you pay it within the grace period. A lapsed policy is considered null and void and will effectively not provide any cover.
Do not avoid medical tests
When you opt for a life insurance policy, your insurer asks you to undergo certain medical tests. These tests give the insurer an idea about your medical history, which could help in an easier settlement of the insurance claim.
Scrutinize the policy document thoroughly
A policy document protects the insurance company from any legal or financial liability that may arise after signing a contract with you. It contains all the inclusions and exclusions in the policy in detail. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly read the terms and conditions on the policy document carefully before signing, so that you are informed in advance and have the option to negotiate on the clauses and conditions mentioned in the document.
Do not delay in raising a claim
If a claim has arisen on your policy, the nominee must make sure to intimate his/her insurer and file for a claim immediately. This is because any delay in filing for your claim may cause the insurer to develop a doubt regarding the genuineness of the claim.
To ensure your life insurance policy fulfills the sole purpose of protecting your loved ones. Make sure you take all the above-mentioned steps to safeguard your claim when required in a hassle-free way.