VAT is considered as an important tax reform-initiated post liberalization of the economy of India. VAT became a part of Indian Taxation system from April 1, 2005. In India, State level taxation replaced general sales tax structure. It is a system where taxes on goods levied at a single point which had resulted in cascading effect on commodities. To calculate the net amount, we make use of the VAT Calculator.
Understanding the concept of Value Added Tax (VAT)
Benefits of Value Added Tax
Working of VAT
VAT rates
VAT is a state- level subject, rate of VAT differs from state to state depending upon the VAT rules and guidelines of the state
Below is the broad classification of rate slab for various goods and services:
VAT schedule for some of the big states of India
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana
Schedule I | List of goods exempted from tax under Section 7 |
Schedule II | Zero-rated transactions eligible for input tax credit |
Schedule III | List of goods taxable @1% |
Schedule IV | List of goods taxable@5% |
Schedule V | Goods taxable at standard rate (RNR) of 14.5% |
Schedule VI | Goods subjected to tax special rates. |
Tax-free commodities are categorized under schedule I goods |
Sale and purchase of commodities or goods that are taxed at 5% are classified under schedule II |
Special rate of value-added tax applies to goods categorized under schedule III |
Commodities or goods that are not classified under any of the above schedule comes under the general category and are taxed at 15% |
As per Schedule A essential/necessary commodities such as food stuffs, drugs etc are taxed at 0% (exempted or tax free) |
Precious metals and stones such as gold, pearl, silver etc. are categorized under schedule B which are taxed at 1.2% |
Goods that are of special importance and notified goods which comes under schedule C are taxed at 6% |
Liquors, fuel etc. are categorized as schedule D goods which are taxable at 20% and above |
All the other commodities and goods that are not specified in the schedules are classified as schedule E goods and are taxed at 13.5% |