Lakshmi Puja

It is a Hindu Festival in which all the devotees offer prayers to Goddess Lakshmi. She is also known as the goddess of wealth. On that day, Lakshmi visits her devotees and offer them gifts on this day. In 2022, it falls on 24th October, Monday

Know about the rituals performed during Lakshmi Puja

This Puja is being held to honor Goddess Lakshmi to bring wealth and prosperity to the family in the future. All the family members on the day of puja dress up with new traditional clothes. According to Hindu Mythology, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi will visit the cleanest house first. The puja requires the five deities to be worshiped which are:

  • Before any auspicious activity, Lord Ganesha is worshiped as Vighneshwara.
  • The three different incarnations of Goddess Lakshmi.
  • The goddess of wealth, Mahalakshmi.
  • The goddess of learning, Saraswati.
  • The treasurer of all gods, Lord Kubera is also worshiped.

The women of the household are considered as an embodiment of Goddess Lakshmi herself. Small lamps known as ‘divas’ are lit and placed at different places in and around the house to attract the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi. After all the rituals of the puja are performed, as per mythology, this signifies a way of chasing away malicious spirits. People also visit their friends’ and relatives’ houses and give gifts and sweets to each other.

A unique thing that happens on the eve of this auspicious day is the initiation of new things. Whether it be making a new investment, closing an old account or buying something new, people consider starting something new and bringing an end to something on this day as fortuitous.