To apply for PAN is a convenient and easy process and it can be done via both online and offline. While filling an application form, there are numerous cases of rejections in the PAN card takes place. PAN application of individuals got rejected due to incomplete and wrong information. Many times, the information furnished by an individual does not match with the required documents submitted and, in that case, the application is rejected. Both individual and collective entities like HUFs, companies, trusts, etc. face the problem of PAN rejection.
Basis of rejection of PAN form is the same for both the online platforms for both NSDL and UTIITSL. Main reasons for rejection of your PAN application.
Avoid making use of the initials while filling up the ‘name’ section in PAN application: It is one of the most factors to keep in mind while filling the PAN application form. This is one of the major points which has become a painstaking hassle for a large number of the PAN applicants. In a country like India, there are many societies that use initials instead of the writing middle name and surname. Please note, if you are writing initials in all other identity proofs and high school certificate and in PAN form you have mentioned the full name, in that case, two names will not match, and PAN form will get rejected.
On the other part, if you write initials (like in other supporting documents) then also application form for PAN card will get rejected. Please note that PAN Data does not accept initials in the name field.
In the case of HUFs
HUFs are always required to fill their full first name, last name and middle names to avoid PAN rejection. In case, if PAN application is for a company, the name of the company should be written in full and all short forms should be eliminated.
Always mention about your PIN Code in the Application form
Always mention pin code while citing your address in the PAN Application Form. As PAN is dispatched by the post which could not be possible without mentioning the PIN codes on the application form. If there will be no mentioning of the Pin Code, PAN application will get rejected.
Phone numbers should contain STD and ISD codes
Make sure that you always fill the landline numbers in the application form with proper ISD and STD codes. For the mobile number, mention the country codes. It makes it easier for PAN furnishing authorities to contact PAN applicants in case of the need arises.
Furnish always valid supporting documents
There are three types of documents required for PAN card issuance:
The best way for furnishing all correct documents is to go through the list of various documents that are available on NSDL or UTIITSL. You can take a printout list of the documents for reference and send the required documents within the expected time frame to avoid losing an application fee which you pay at the time of submitting the Online PAN application Form.