A valid driving license is a compulsory requirement for everyone who wants to drive their vehicles freely on the road. To obtain a driving license, first, you need to be aware of the driving license from which you need to fill. Here, you can have a better understanding of everything related to this form and how you can get it easily.
From where you can download a driving license form?
A driving license is issued by the Regional Transport Office/Authority (RTO/RTA) of the city you reside in. If you want to apply one for yourself, you can obtain the application form online or offline by visiting your nearby or local RTO/RTA as per your convenience. If you are downloading the form online, then, after that you need to fill and submit it at the RTO, along with the necessary documents which are mentioned at the end of the article.
How to get the print form for a driving license?
You can also obtain the print form of your driving license from the RTO website. To get that, you will need to enter the following details such as your application number and date of birth, and then click on submit.
Applicants can also download any one of the forms for which the details are given below:
Driving License related application forms
Application form for grant or renewal of learner's license (Form 2)
If you want to obtain or renew a new learner's license, then you need to submit a duly filled form 2. The form requires you to provide information such as name, age, date of birth, educational qualifications, identification marks, blood group, etc. Besides this, you also need to provide information relating to the issue of a previous learner's license or if you have been disqualified from holding or obtaining a license along with the fitness certificate stating that you are medically fit. The concluding section of the form requires the parent/guardian (in case of a minor applying for the license) to provide consent to the applicant to obtain the license. It also includes the results of the applicants driving test, indicating whether they have successfully passed the test or not. The form will require the signature of the applicant, parent/guardian, and the licensing authority, wherever required.
Application form for a license to drive a motor vehicle (Form 4)
Coming to this form, it contains various fields which are explained in detail below:
Following the above is the section that asks for the confirmation regarding the submission of required documents like learner's license, photographs, medical fitness certificate, payment of fees, etc, date of application, applicant's signature, or thumb impression.
The next section concerns the certificate of the test of competence to drive wherein the details of your driving test results must be provided.
Application for the addition of a new class of vehicle to driving license (Form 8)
If you want to add another class of vehicles to your existing driving license, you need to fill this form. You will be required to furnish details like your name, your authorized driving license number, issuing authority, and the name of any immediate family member. In the following section, you need to tick the additional class of vehicle for which you want to apply for. Following this, applicants must tick mark the documents which they are enclosing such as a medical certificate, driving certificate, etc along with the fees paid towards submission of the form. The concluding section of the form is a certificate of the test of competence to drive which must be filled in by the authorized officer of the testing authority.
Form for application for renewal of driving license (Form 9)
Driving licenses are issued for only a fixed number of years, after which they need to be renewed. If you want to renew your expired license, you need to fill this form. The applicant is required to submit their latest photographs along with providing the personal details such as your license number, date of its issue, licensing authority who issued or renewed your driving license in the last. Further, the applicants must also check the class of vehicle for which they wish to renew their license. The concluding fields of the form require the applicant's permanent temporary address along with their declaration that the renewal of license has not been refused or has been disqualified earlier. Along with this form, the applicant must also attach their expired license.
Application cum declaration form of physical fitness (Form 1)
To get a driver's license, applicants need to fill the application form 1 declaring their physical fitness. This form is divided into two sections wherein the first section contains details like the applicant's name, name of the immediate family members, permanent address, date of birth, identification marks. The second section requires the applicant to make a declaration regarding their physical fitness. The applicant must declare honestly if they suffer from any medical conditions or any other disease which might cause hindrance in the operation of a motor vehicle. You need to submit this form along with the medical certificate in form 1A.
Medical Certificate (Form 1A)
All the driving license applicants must submit the medical certificate or Form 1A along with the certificate of physical fitness. This form is divided into 3 sections. In the first section, the applicant is required to provide his/her details. The next section asks the applicant to make a declaration regarding any medical ailment or condition which they may be suffering which might interfere with the driving of a motor vehicle. Under the third and the optional section, the applicant needs to provide their blood group. The medical certificate must be verified and signed by an authorized medical officer, declaring that the applicant has been examined by them and point out any discrepancies in the required details.
Application for duplicate driving license (Form L.L.D)
If you have misplaced or lost your driving license and you want to issue yourself a duplicate license, then you need to fill this form. The objective of this form is to inform the concerned authority about the loss or destruction of an existing license. This form requires you to provide details like your missing driver's license number, issuing authority, your name, mother/father/spouse/guardians name, permanent and temporary address, along with the circumstances of loss or destruction of the license. In the end, the form requires the signature or thumb impression of the applicant.
Application form for intimation of temporary/permanent change of address for authorized license holder (Form LCA)
If you want to change your temporary or permanent address mentioned on your license, this is the form you need to fill. You will be required to put the required details such as your name, father's name, changed address (along with proof), address as mentioned in the driver's license (unchanged address), the validity of the driver's license, licensing authority who issued or renewed your last license and the fee paid towards the change of address on the driver's license. The applicant must duly sign the form and check every detail before submitting the same.
Documents required for RTO Form
After getting the application form from the RTO, the next step you need to do is submit your documents. There is a list of specific documents that you must furnish for the RTO authorities to get your license. Following is the list of the required documents: