The Motor Vehicles Act was passed in the year 1988. It regulates all the aspects of road transport vehicles. The act provides detailed guidelines on the licensing of the drivers and conductors, registration of motor vehicles, the provision on controlling their permits, traffic regulations, related insurances, liabilities, and penalties. Let us have a look at the act in detail.
What are the offences covered under the Motor Vehicle Act?
The following are the offences which are covered under the Motors Vehicles Act.
Offense related to documents
Section | Penalty | Offense |
Section 181 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Driving without carrying a valid driving license |
Section 180 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Unauthorized driving of a vehicle without carrying a valid driving license |
Section 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500* | General |
130(3) r/w 177 the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500* | Not carrying the required documents as specified in the Motor Vehicle Act while driving |
Section 196 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 2,000* | Driving without a valid auto insurance |
Section 192 A of the Motor Vehicle Act | Up to Rs 10,000* | Driving without a valid permit |
Section 178 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500* | Traveling without ticket |
Section 182 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 10,000* | Driving after being disqualified |
Section 206 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Suspension of driving license under Section 183, 184, 185, 189, 190, 194C, 194D, and 194E* | Power of Officers towards impounding documents |
Section 193 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 25,000 to INR 1 lakh | Violating licensing conditions (Aggregators) |
130 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Up to Rs. 5,000 and no less than Rs. 2,000 | Driving without a Valid Vehicle Fitness Certificate |
39 r/w 192 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 2000 | A vehicle without RC Book (Registration Certificate) |
Offenses related to driving
Section | Penalty | Offenses |
Section 177A (New) of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500* | Violation of rules of road regulation |
4 r/w 181 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500 | Driving by a minor (aged below 18) |
Section 199 of the Motor Vehicle Act | The fine amount of Rs.25,000 and 3 years of imprisonment to be faced by the guardian of the individual or owner of the vehicle; The individual is to be tried under the JJ Act and the registration of the vehicle is to be cancelled* | Offences made by juveniles (aged below 18 years) |
Section 179 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 2,000* | Not obeying the orders of the authorities |
Section 183 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 for Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs); INR 2,000 for Medium Passenger Vehicles (MPVs)* | Over speeding of vehicle |
Section 182 B of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Oversize vehicles |
5 r/w 180 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 | Letting an unlicensed fellow drive |
129 r/w177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 and disqualification of driving license for 3 months* | Driving two-wheelers without wearing a helmet |
Section 194 B of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000* | Driving without fastening the seat belts |
Section 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000* | Rough/ Reckless/ Negligent Driving |
Section 184 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Dangerous driving |
Section 189 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Racing or speeding on public roads |
Section 194 E of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 10,000* | Not making way for emergency vehicles |
112-183 Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Not driving in the proper lane |
66 r/w 192 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving in the centre and not keeping to the left side of the road |
2 RRR r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving against One Way |
17 (i) RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Reversing without due caution and care |
MMVR 233 | Rs. 100 | Taking “U” turn during forbidden hours |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not taking adequate care while taking a “Turn” |
12 RRR | Rs. 100 | Failing to slow down at intersection/ junction |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not carrying on the left of the traffic island |
3 RRR | Rs. 100 | Carrying people on Footboard |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Carrying people to the point that it causes inconvenience (be it for rear-view visibility or gear shifting) to the driver |
128/177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Tripling on bikes/ two-wheelers |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving on Footpath |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Stopping at pedestrian from crossing or crossing a Stop Line (Zebra Cross) |
Offenses related to Road marking
Section | Penalty | Offense |
119/177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Violating the Yellow Line |
113(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Violating the Stop Line |
113(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Violating the Mandatory Signs |
Offenses related to number plates
Section | Penalty | Offense |
CMVR 105 (2) (ii) | Rs. 100 | Use of Offensive Number Plate for the vehicle used in driving |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 4500 | Displaying 'Applied For' |
Offenses related to horns
Section | Penalty | Offense |
119(1)/177 CMVR | Rs. 100 | Driving without a Horn |
CMVR 105 (2) (ii) | Rs. 100 | Improper usage of the horn when you drive
Offenses related to vehicle lights
Section | Penalty | Offense |
CMVR 105 (2) (ii) | Rs. 100 | Improper use of headlights and/ or taillight for your vehicle used in driving |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Using a High Beam when it is not needed |
Offenses related to traffic police
Section | Penalty | Offense |
119 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Disobeying a Traffic Police Officer in uniform |
22 (a) RRR | Rs. 100 | Driving against Police Signal |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not complying with the manual Traffic Signal |
Offenses related to traffic signals
Section | Penalty | Offense |
22 (b) RRR | Rs. 100 | Not complying with the Traffic signal / Sign Board |
239 MMVR | Rs. 100 | Failing to give the appropriate Signal |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Signal Jumping |
Offenses related to speed and overtaking
Section | Penalty | Offense |
112 - 183 Motor Vehicle Act | Up to Rs. 1,000 | Driving above the permitted Speed Limits by the Traffic Police |
112/ 183 (2) Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 300 | Abetment for Going over the Speed Limit |
6 (a) RRR r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Overtaking hazardously |
7 RRR | Rs. 100 | Failing to deliberate way to sanction Overtaking |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Over taking from the wrong side |
Offenses related to driving
Section | Penalty | Offence |
Section 177A (New) of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500* | Violation of rules of road regulation |
4 r/w 181 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 500 | Driving by a minor (aged below 18). |
Section 199 of the Motor Vehicle Act | The fine amount of Rs.25,000 and 3 years of imprisonment to be faced by the guardian of the individual or owner of the vehicle; The individual is to be tried under the JJ Act and the registration of the vehicle is to be cancelled* | Offences made by juveniles (aged below 18 years) |
Section 179 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 2,000* | Not obeying the orders of the authorities |
Section 183 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 for Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs); INR 2,000 for Medium Passenger Vehicles (MPVs)* | Over speeding of vehicle |
Section 182 B of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Oversize vehicles |
5 r/w 180 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 | Letting an unlicensed fellow drive |
129 r/w177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000 and disqualification of driving license for 3 months* | Driving two-wheelers without wearing a helmet |
Section 194 B of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000* | Driving without fastening the seat belts |
Section 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 1,000* | Rough/ Reckless/ Negligent Driving |
Section 184 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Dangerous driving |
Section 189 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 5,000* | Racing or speeding on public roads |
Section 194 E of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 10,000* | Not making way for emergency vehicles |
112-183 Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Not driving in the proper lane |
66 r/w 192 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving in the centre and not keeping to the left side of the road |
2 RRR r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving against One Way |
17 (i) RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Reversing without due caution and care |
MMVR 233 | Rs. 100 | Taking “U” turn during forbidden hours |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not taking adequate care while taking a “Turn” |
12 RRR | Rs. 100 | Failing to slow down at intersection/ junction |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not carrying on the left of the traffic island |
3 RRR | Rs. 100 | Carrying people on Footboard |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Carrying people to the point that it causes inconvenience (be it for rear-view visibility or gear shifting) to the driver |
128/177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Tripling on bikes/ two-wheelers |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Driving on Footpath |
Offences related to Parking
Section | Penalty | Offences |
22 (a) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking in the same direction of the flow of traffic |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking away from walkway towards the road |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking against the flow of traffic |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Parking causing Obstruction to other vehicles and people | |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking on any Taxi Stand |
15 (1) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking in not any specified way |
15 (i) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking at any Corner/ Edge |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking within 15 meters on either side of a Bus Stop, causing inconvenience to those waiting for the bus as well as bus drivers |
15 (2) (i) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking on a Bridge |
15 (2) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking at any Traffic Island |
15 (2) (iii) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking in ‘No Parking’ Zone |
15 (2) (ii) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking on any Pedestrian Crossing |
15 (2) (viii) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking the vehicle on Walkways |
15 (1) RRR 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act | Rs 100 | Parking in front of any gate |
Offences related to road marking
Section | Penalty | Offences |
119/177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Violating the Yellow Line |
113(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Violating the Stop Line |
113(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Violating the Mandatory Signs |
Offences related to vehicle number plates
Section | Penalty | Offences |
CMVR 105 (2) (ii) | Rs. 100 | Use of Offensive Number Plate for the vehicle used in driving |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 4,500 | Displaying 'Applied For |
Offences related to commercial vehicles
Section | Penalty | Offences |
115/194 Motor Vehicle Act | Up to Rs. 2,000 | Working in 'NO ENTRY' Time |
11/177, 2/177, 66/192 Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Violating the timetable |
29 RRR/177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | High and Long / Load in Vehicles |
MMVR 83 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Carrying animals in goods vehicles in contravention of rules. |
MMVR 108 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Transporting people hazardously or carrying people in goods carrier vehicles. |
229 MMVR, 29 RRR & 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Perilous projection of goods |
MMVR 202 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Carrying goods unsafe |
MMVR 93 (u) (i) 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Carrying possessions more than 11 feet high |
113/194(1) Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Carrying possessions more than 11 feet high |
114/194(2) Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Driver refusing to weigh his vehicle |
MMVR 202 & 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Loading on Tail Board |
11(3)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Misconduct by Taxi or TSR Driver |
11(8)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Over Charging by Taxi or TSR Driver |
11(8)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Over Charging by Taxi or TSR Driver |
11(9)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Refusal by Taxi or TSR Driver |
7/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Driving without Khaki Uniform |
22 (1)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Driver without wearing a Badge |
23 (1)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | A conductor without the specified Uniform |
22 (1)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Conductor without Badge |
66/ 192 Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Stopping without a Bus stop |
207 (1) Motor Vehicle Act | Court Challan | Power to detain Vehicle driven in infringement of section 3.4,39 or 66(1) MV Act |
Offences related to horn
Section | Penalty | Offences |
119(1)/177 CMVR | Rs. 100 | Driving without a Horn |
CMVR 105 (2) (ii) | Rs. 100 | Improper usage of the horn when you drive |
Offences related to vehicle lights
Section | Penalty | Offences |
CMVR 105 (2) | Rs. 100 | Improper use of headlights and/ or taillight for your vehicle used in driving |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Using a High Beam when it is not needed |
Offence related to towing of automobiles
Section | Penalty | Offences |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicles Act | Rs. 100 | Two-Wheeler |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicles Act | Rs. 200 | Car, Jeep, Cab, Auto Rickshaw |
RRR 177 Motor Vehicles Act | Rs. 600 | Truck, Tanker, Trailer |
Offences related to pollution
Section | Penalty | Offences |
86 (1) (5)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Smoking in Public Transport is strictly prohibited |
99 (1) (a)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 100 | Pollution Not Under Control |
119 CMVR | Rs. 500 | Using multi-toned and/ or shrill horn |
190 (2) Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Blowing Pressure Horn |
96 (1)/ 177 DMVR | Rs. 500 | Silencer and/ or muffler making a huge noise |
CMVR 120 | Rs. 500 | Smoky Exhaust (against specifications) |
190 (2) Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Silence |
Offences related to traffic police
Section | Penalty | Offences |
119 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Disobeying a Traffic Police Officer in uniform |
22 (a) RRR | Rs. 100 | Driving against Police Signal |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Not complying with the manual Traffic Signal |
Offences related to traffic signal
Section | Penalty | Offences |
22 (b) RRR | Rs. 100 | Not complying with the Traffic signal / Sign Board |
239 MMVR | Rs. 100 | Failing to give the appropriate Signal |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Signal Jumping |
Offences related to speed and overtaking
Section | Penalty | Offences |
112 - 183 Motor Vehicle Act | Up to Rs. 1,000 | Driving above the permitted Speed Limits by the Traffic Police |
112/ 183 (2) Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 300 | Abetment for Going over the Speed Limit |
6 (a) RRR r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Overtaking hazardously |
7 RRR | Rs. 100 | Failing to deliberate way to sanction Overtaking |
177 Motor Vehicle Act | Rs. 100 | Overtaking from the Wrong Side |