Student Credit cards are a great help to individuals at the college level. These credit cards do not have any income requirement and eligibility limit. Any student who is above the age of 18 years can apply for a student credit card. The features available in student credit cards make these cards a necessity for students in recent times. It comes benefits like rewards or purchases.
To help you get started, we took a closer look at the student card market and shortlisted some of the best starter cards available.
Top Student Credit Cards of India
1. SBI Student plus Advantage Credit Card
As the name suggests, the SBI Student Plus Advantage Card is specially designed to cater to the needs of students. It rewards the cardholders with exciting discounts and points every time they make a purchase be it groceries or luxury items. The rewards also accumulate on using the card to refill your vehicle at fuel stations.
Annual Fee- Nil
Renewal Fee- ₹500, from second year onwards. If you make spends of ₹35,000 a year, this fee will be waived off
Features of SBI Student Credit Cards of India
2. ICICI Bank Student Travel Credit Card
ICICI Bank Student Travel Card is a blessing in disguise for you if you are going abroad for further studies. You can swipe this card for making payment of your application and university fees either online or through a physical swipe. The card is very convenient to use and to manage living expenses.
Joining fee – Rs 499+ Taxes
Features of ICICI Bank Student Travel Credit Card
3. HDFC Bank ISIC Student ForexPlus Credit Card
The HDFC Student Forex Card is a must to have in a student’s wallet. All a student has to do is loading the card with the currency of their choice- from USD, GBP, or Euro and you can easily pay online or offline at your ease. You can also use your card to withdraw easy cash from ATMs. You enjoy all benefits of online credit cards.
Designed especially for students who are studying abroad.
Issuance Fee- Rs 300
4. Axis Bank Insta Easy Credit Card
The Axis Bank Insta Easy Card has the highest rupee value back of all student cards. Specifically, you'll earn a 1.2% value on domestic spending. It is a secured student credit card designed exclusively to meet the financial and lifestyle requirements of students.
Annual Fee- NIL
Features of Axis Bank Insta Easy Credit Card
5. Kotak Silk Inspire Credit Card
Kotak Mahindra's Silk Inspire Card is great for students who love to shop for apparel. One can get an 5% cashback on retail purchases of Rs.7,500 each month (max Rs. 500 back per cycle). It is a secured student credit card that requires a minimum fixed deposit of Rs 50,000.
Joining Fee- Rs 599
Annual Fee- Rs 599
Benefits of Kotak Silk Inspire Credit Card
For students who are not having much experience or new to credit cards must apply for a student credit card. It can serve as a useful stepping-stone towards building a good credit history.